Teleflora Footed Glass Vase With Raised Pink Frosted Glass Roses
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Product Details
Product ID:
- Condition
- Used, Good
- Height
- 6
- Width
- 4.5
- Length
- 4.5
- Type
- Art Vase
- Curated By:
- Goodwill Industries of Kansas
Teleflora Footed Glass Vase With Raised Pink Frosted Glass Roses
Additional Notes
Teleflora Footed Glass Vase With Raised Pink Frosted Glass Roses
Brand: Teleflora
Type: Glass Art Vase
Color: Clear/Pink
Condition: Good - shows some sign of wear. Has no chips or cracks in glass. Has light dust and grime on/in it.
As all items are donated, this product may arrive with minor defects that are not pictured.